Join us for swimming lessons in Yakima!

Morning and Evening Sessions Available
Swim Sessions are Two Weeks Long
We Will Hold five sessions this summer

Swim with us in 88 degree water!
We are offering 3 one week session, as well as 4 two week session. Classes will meet Monday through Thursday for the entirity of the session. We require TWO weeks notice before unenrollment. Minnows, Dolphins and Sharks have a 6 to 1 instructor ratio. Pollywogs and Tadpoles have a 5 to 1 instructor ratio.
Session dates:
- June 3-June 6
- June 10-June13
- June 17-June27
- July 8-July 18
- July 22-August 1
- August 5-August 15
- August 19-August 22
30 minutes for ages 18 months-3 years
One week session: 4:40, 5:20
Two week session: 10:10, 4:40, 5:20
30 minutes for ages 3-5 years
One week session: 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 6:00
Two week session: 9:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:20, 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 6:00
Pricing for enrolled students: $120
Pricing for new or unenrolled students: $150
Invite Only!
30 minutes for ages 3-5 years
One week session: 4:00, 6:00
Two week session: 9:30, 11:20, 4:00, 6:00
Pricing for enrolled students: $120
Pricing for new or unenrolled students: $150
30 minutes for ages 6-10 years
One week session: 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 6:00
Two week session: 9:30, 10:10, 10:50, 4:00, 4:40, 5:20, 6:00
Pricing for enrolled students: $120
Pricing for new or unenrolled students: $150
Invite only!
30 minutes for ages 6-10 years
One week session: 6:40
Two week session: 11:35, 6:40
Pricing for enrolled students: $120
Pricing for new or unenrolled students: $150
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